Rich in Color: Animated Life Inside NBA's "Bubble" Basketball Camp

Sources are reporting an astounding $150 million dollar price tag to complete and operate a new facility in Orlando, FL to house NBA players during their preseason practices. It's called "The Bubble." Since there wasn't any footage of life inside "The Bubble" just yet - our crew was hired to produce a full color animation featuring the NBA players decked out in their uniforms and masks (no exceptions!) Narrated by Maria Taylor, this animated video depicts what the NBA's Bubble might look like in Orlando during the 2020 preseason, where 22 teams plus their staff will live and practice during quarantine. Watch the full clip here:

After the creation of the English video, ESPN wanted to translate this piece into Spanish for ESPN Deportes. We provided our client with new on-screen translations to the artwork and the final product came out beautifully. The full Spanish version is embedded below.

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