It Starts with the Story

If a picture is worth a thousand words, multiple pictures woven together to create a visual story is priceless. Why are people so captivated by visual storytelling - especially if these visuals are illustrated and animated? Here at 321 Fast Draw, our award-winning team of artists pour their blood, sweat and tears into the animated videos you see on screen. We are passionate about transforming complex messages into images that are easily understood. And it all starts with our favorite tool: storyboarding.

Storyboarding is the foundation for everything we do. When a new project comes through, we immediately reach for our two constants: pencil and paper. After a productive brain dump, our favorite concepts go up on our whiteboard and that’s when the creative juices really start flowing.

Storyboarding allows the client to work with artists in the animation and editing industry. It’s a crucial part of the storyboard dance where the words of the script and visual imagery come together to make magic!

For our clients, storyboarding helps work out the kinks and hone in on the most important part of their message. Together with the client, we streamline the complex visual thread that they’re trying to communicate in order to achieve the ultimate goal: captivating diverse audiences.

Because storyboarding gives us the freedom to pitch ideas in order to sculpt together the best visual message, this helps us during production and post-production in the animation industry. Once the video editing process begins, we can look to our storyboards for the story flow, which makes it a smoother process for us... and for the client. In our storyboards we include the sequence of shots, the characters, and the motions of the camera.

The storyboard stills on the left are some of our favorite samples. Can you spot the stills in the animated video below?

We want to ensure the message comes across clearly and is highly engaging when people watch our animation online, via broadcast, or on their mobile phones. Our team loves using the art of storyboarding to hone in on the unique message of each of our clients when it comes creating whiteboard animation, 2D full color animation, custom illustrations and more! Want to create your own animated video? Email to get started!

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